Don’t you dare ring my doorbell

The week before our baby was due, I was at home cleaning the house, stocking paper towels and toothpaste, washing sheets and taking inventory of the freezer. Apparently this behavior is called “nesting.” I did a lot of it the last few days of my pregnancy. While at home with our two dogs, the doorbell […]

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Treat for fur babies

Our poor dogs have been neglected since we brought home the baby two months ago. We spend so much time with little Leigh and not enough attention on our pups. But they’ve taken it like champs. Cloe, our older dog, is super curious and comes up to sniff the baby every once in a while. […]

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Safe place

There’s not much more in this world that can calm me down like sitting in bed petting my dogs. They are always up for cuddle. Just 30 minutes of snuggle time can change my outlook on life. Just spent a few hours in traffic? #puppysnuggles Burned dinner? #puppysnuggles Long day at work? #puppysnuggles After coming […]

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